Thorium Radioactive Weapons and environmental devastation.

The State denies access to data, "they are secret and susceptible to harm international relations, the order, security and national defense". This is the reply of the Ministry of Interior to the reporters of the newspaper "Il Fatto Quotidiano", who broke the news about "top secret network" that measures, in real time, the levels of radioactivity.

My Great Web page

Thorium Radioactive Weapons, environmental devastation and “State Secrets”

By Massimo Greco
(May 2015)


Around the area of the military base of Teulada in Sardinia, percentages of the radioactive isotope thorium 232 from ten to twenty times than the regulations had already been recorded between 2013 and 2014 thanks to an investigation commissioned by the Public Prosecutor of Cagliari Emanuele Secci: the holder of the investigation dossier "against unknown" on the activities of the military polygon.

The presence of the radioactive isotope "thorium 232" would be due to the massive use of missiles Milan, abundantly used by the Italian army until 2003, when they were decommissioned following the reporting of the French defense, who had denounced the toxicity of thorium. However, during the first half of military exercises in 2014, they were launched four more missiles Milan "warhead inert", according to a statement by the military authorities - and new launches of the same missile are planned for the first half of 2015 exercises, is not clear whether "inert" or not.

The State denies access to data, "they are secret and susceptible to harm international relations, the order, security and national defense". This is the reply of the Ministry of Interior to the reporters of the newspaper "Il Fatto Quotidiano", who broke the news about "top secret network" that measures, in real time, the levels of radioactivity.
[See: Sardinia Post - May 2015, "Segreto di Stato a Teulada"]

In relation to the chronicles of May 13, 2015, in the Italian Senate, 18 senators have signed a request for clarification made by Senator Roberto Cotti, to the Minister of Defence. Since the same day, they were made public the "parliamentary acts" of the Senate, translated, here below: :

To the Minister of Defence

Given that:

at the far end of southern Sardinia, in the town of Teulada (Cagliari), it is operating, since 1957, a permanent military polygon for exercises ground-air-sea entrusted to the Italian Army and made available to NATO; 

the polygon is the second largest in Italy, with 7,200 hectares of areas with an additional 75,000 hectares of areas of airspace restriction and off limits to navigation. These areas are normally used for shooting practice land-sea, precluding a water surface of about 450 square kilometers to navigation and fishing, with simulations of operational interventions and experimentation of new weapons;

the military polygon of Teulada affects the Site of Community Importance (S.C.I.) "Isola Rossa and Capo Teulada" (code ITB040024), belonging to the 'Rete Natura 2000' which protects natural areas in accordance with relevant European Community legislation, for the protection of habitats and of wild birds (directives 92/43/CEE e 2009/147/CE);

activities of military training, like any activity that may cause damage to protected sites, should be subject to an environmental impact assessment procedure to minimize the impacts and the introduction of environmental compensation measures, as indicated by the Code of the military regulations (legislative Decree no. 66 of 2010 and subsequent modifications). It appears from the questioners that such procedures have been carried out in other polygons;

during military exercises in Teulada the Italian Army has used 'Milan' French production missiles with thorium 232 as a tracer, whose exposure to air can cause an increased risk of cancer, whose remains are found in large quantities on the seabed defined as "hopelessly compromised" by a 2005 study conducted by the CNR (National Research Council);

considering that:
On January 9, 2014, the newspaper "La Nuova Sardegna", of the group "L'Espresso", has reported of the early results emerged during the investigation conducted by the prosecutor Emanuele Secci on pollution in the Sulcis, based on the possibility of environmental disaster.
We learn that in relation to the results, in the military polygon of Teulada would be found percentages of thorium 232, 10 to 20 times higher than those normally found in the wild, whose danger to health has been established and recognized by the international scientific community;

On 13 May 2015 the newspaper "Il Fatto Quotidiano" in an article titled "The network measuring environmental risks: for the state is top secret," has reported about localization in the Italian territory of 1,237 stations ("Ramon" ) able to measure the slightest Radioactivity variation in the air;

the "Ramon" network, built in 1961 to detect in real time possible contamination from nuclear attack, and monitor the radioactive fallout, from the nineties, would be destined to environmental monitoring also in areas surrounding military polygons Sardinian, where sensors would collect informations on possible sources of contamination;

The cited article, in "Il Fatto Quotidiano", reports that a few years ago, while they were being carried out excavations near the slaughterhouse of the town of Teulada, has been accidentally severed a telephone cable connected to a radioactivity detector positioned near the river and an aquifer, in operation since 60/70 years, in a place near the military polygon of Teulada, near the hills where exploding missiles fired from the navy, the army and the arms industry giants.
After the discovery of the radioactivity detector the council of Teulada tried unsuccessfully to establish the presence of highly contaminated areas, with curious except that the answer was that the matter was a competence by Rome by the Ministry of the Interior;

Considered also that:
the newspaper reports that having asked to 20 regional commands of the Fire Department, involved in data collection, informations on the data collected by the "Ramon" network, receiving in response a denial because of "possible harm to international relations, the order and security or
national defense", with the specification that the "Ramon" network would benefit autonomy guaranteed by law in reference to the environmental control system.

We are asking to know:
if the Ministers, in address, are aware of the facts set out in the preamble;
if they have any or more news in relation to problems highlighted;
if it is true that the data collected by the "Ramon" network has been kept secret and, if so, what are the reasons and when and by whom it was taken that decision;
if they do not consider the worrying level of risk for the population and the territory, because of non-disclosure of the data collected by the "Ramon" network, due to the possible air-water-ground pollution;

if they wish to clarify what action and information has been brought to the attention of the people and local authorities of Sardinia, in the last five years, in order to avoid risks to health and the environment in the vicinity of military polygons;
what data, they (you) have, in relation to the healthiness of groundwater, springs and aquifers, and surface waters of rivers and in the area of natural or artificial reservoirs;
what urgent action, of competence, they want to start to protect health and the environment;
if they are considering, within their respective attributions, of having to launch a targeted operation for the safety of the area and of the people living near the military polygon of Teulada;
if, concerning of general protection, they are considering that one should suspend within the military polygon of Teulada all the activities that could compromise the health and integrity of the environment, and to promote, in cooperation with the competent authorities, appropriate
investigations commissioning studies and epidemiological searches to super partes subjects of undisputed authority.

=============================== end of the italian parliamentary act ================================

It is as if there were two opposing worlds. And, in fact, it is so.
In one we can see the daily dissemination of messages, artistically created, as in the most invasive fraudulent advertising, on the miraculous properties of thorium, it is a goner, really... as "green" or as "pacifist" and even as "product" of the providence.

The actors of this mystifying theater of the deification of the commodity are merely fanatics motivated by faith or by small amounts of money while, instead, directors are unscrupulously beings and greedy of money, who, just to "sell" their deadly product are able to resort to any falsity and incorrectness.

Then there is another world. The one of the reality. A world of citizens, workers, peasants and shepherds died of cancer, with thorium in the bones... A world of judicial investigations, of military hierarchs came under investigation to court and chronicles of environmental disasters, parliamentary acts and expert opinions of health authorities who have certified the environmental pollution by thorium.

A different world where powerful corporates have been condamned to pay $224 million to the U.S. EPA for clean-up of thorium contamination at the Welsbach Superfund Site in Gloucester. Or where Kerr-McGee's have to spend $150 million to remove 320,000 tons of radioactive thorium and other hazardous materials from a site in West Chicago.

A different world where the reality is that the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Ministry of Peshmerga (MOP) has revealed that Germany has sent extra military aid to the Kurdistan Region and where, at the same time, the German Federal Ministry of Defence informs the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) that items supplied by the Ministry may contain substances classified as hazardous under German environmental law... like Milan Missiles...

A world where the reality is also new as the great mobilization of the Malaysian people who is creating the largest mass mobilization against the mafia interests of the multinationals of the Rare earth.

Massimo Greco - RNA - Italy

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Other related sources:


Information on hazardous substances possibly contained in items supplied by the Bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces)
The German Federal Ministry of Defence informs the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) thatitems supplied by the Ministry may contain substances classified as hazardous under German environmental law. The handling and disposal of such items is subject to the relevant national regulations:

The MILAN anti-tank guided missile (MILAN ATGM) is fitted with an encapsulated IR heat radiator containing thorium (Th) with an activity of 10 Kilobecquerels (kBq). Contamination may occur through inhalation. As far as the gunner is concerned, the hazard dosage value, pursuant to German radiation protection law, is not exceeded until 100 rounds of ammunition have been fired.

Source: Bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces) - PDF HERE



On 13 November 2002, damaged nuclear submarine Oklahoma City was taken to La Maddalena; on 25 October 2003 submarine Hartford ran aground. A trivial accident, in the words of Rear Admiral Stanley. However, he removed the base top officials, which was a very strange act for something so unimportant.

Independent researchers who have analyzed the water near the U.S. base have found consistent amounts of radioactive thorium 234, cobalt and plutonium. An analysis carried out by consortium Epidemiologia Impresa Sviluppo on behalf of the Sardinia government has found that in La Maddalena area the rate of deadly diseases is far higher than in the rest of the country. For example, Non-Hodgin lymphoma is 177.8% higher for men; 335% more people have been hospitalized for melanomas; lung cancer is 43.6% higher. Just a coincidence?

Sources: How Italy Became a Launching Pad for the US Military

European Parliament - Parliamentary questions.
Subject: Radioactive pollution at La Maddalena.
WRITTEN QUESTION by Jean-Luc Bennahmias (Verts/ALE) to the Commission.


La CRIIRAD découvre un excès de thorium 234 - • L’hypothèse de l’uranium est écartée.
La base militaire américaine de San Stefano, située entre la Corse et la Sardaigne, dans l’archipel de La Maddalena.
CRIIRAD - Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur la Radioactivité

Senat - Site du Sénat française. Concentration de thorium 234 dans des algues prélevées dans les bouches de Bonifacio.
Question écrite n° 11981 de Mme Marie-Claude Beaudeau (Val-d'Oise - CRC).
Réponse du Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable.



Photo Source - La Nuova Sardegna (newspaper):
"Una foto storica: tre sommergibili Usa nella base di Santo Stefano"

"L'isola cuore segreto delle strategie Nato"






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★ RNA È l'UNICA realtà che coniuga resistenza ambientalista Contro le produttività NOCIVE con la messa in discussione del modello di produzione borghese e dei rapporti di forza Capitale-Salario. ★ Dal 24 Settembre 2009: Questo è il taglio e la motivazione RIGIDA e COERENTE che DETERMINA ogni nostra "AZIONE", scelta di Priorità, pubblicazione, "condivisione" o presa di posizione.

NO OIL - Regional Demo on the italian east coast - Manifestazione No Ombrina contro tutte le trivellazioni 23 Maggio 2015 – Lanciano  


Home Vecchio indice Altri Articoli


Nei dintorni della base di Teulada, percentuali dell’isotopo radioattivo Torio 232 da dieci a venti volte rispetto alle norme erano già state rilevate tra il 2013 e il 2014 grazie agli accertamenti commissionati dal pm della Procura di Cagliari Emanuele Secci, titolare del fascicolo d’inchiesta contro ignoti sulle attività del poligono.
✔ ☢ ☣ La presenza dell’isotopo radioattivo “Torio 232” sarebbe dovuta al massiccio utilizzo dei missili Milan, abbondantemente impiegati sino al 2003 dall’esercito italiano, quando furono dismessi in seguito alla segnalazione della Difesa francese, che aveva denunciato la tossicità del Torio. Tuttavia, nel corso del primo semestre di esercitazioni del 2014, sono stati lanciati ulteriori 4 missili Milan – a testa inerte, secondo quanto dichiarato dalle autorità militari – e nuovi lanci dello stesso missile sono previsti nel primo semestre di esercitazioni 2015, non è chiaro se inerti o meno.
✔ Lo Stato nega l’accesso ai dati: sono segreti e suscettibili di pregiudicare le relazioni internazioni, l’ordine, la sicurezza e la difesa nazionale. Questa la risposta del Ministero degli Interni ai giornalisti de Il Fatto Quotidiano che hanno dato la notizia sulla rete top secret che misura in tempo reale i livelli di radioattività.
[Fonte: Sardinia Post - Maggio 2015, “Segreto di Stato su Teulada”]

Thorium Military Proliferation in Italy - The Map. (english)

Tutto quello che i fanatici supporters del Business nucleare al torio non vi diranno mai.



Sellafield decommissioning to take over 100 years. Now it's confirmed.

 A report from Westminster's Public Accounts Committee revealed by The Irish Times and BBC seven years ago is now confirmed by the National Audit Office. In a progress report on the work, the National Audit Office criticised the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), which oversees the plant, for delays in cancelling a cleanup contract with the consortium Nuclear Management Partners (NMP) after demands from MPs a year ago to do so. Here the entire report.

Nuclear Business - Rosatom Global Map

 Nuclear, Uranium Mining and Enrichment Services, THE MAP OF RUSSIAN IMPERIALISM.

 Questa mappa è aggiornata soltanto al 2010. La fonte è la stessa Rosatom. La Mappa non considera le trattative in atto per la nuclearizzazione dell'URUGUAY, del Venezuela, Bolivia, Tunisia e dei recenti accordi in Centrafrica, Medio Oriente, India ed Indonesia.



Le thorium comme l’uranium a une double toxicité: chimique, comme tous les métaux lourds et radiotoxique. Cette toxicité liée à sa radioactivité est très élevée, bien au delà du plus grand toxique que nous connaissons c’est à dire le plutonium. La limite annuelle d’incorporation du plutonium est de 300 Bq/an alors que celle du thorium est de 90 Bq/an! Il s’y ajoute de plus la toxicité propre de ses descendants.
Sa migration dans le sol est très différente de l’oxyde d’uranium car le thorium est très peu soluble dans l’eau...


Thorium Contamination in China.

The distribution and the contamination level of uranium (U) and thorium (Th) radionuclides and potentially toxic metals, Cu, Li, Mn, Sr, and Zn were investigated in surface sediments from aquifer systems around a uranium industrial site in the northern Guangdong Province, China.

The paper focused on the leaching behaviour of uranium (U) and thorium (Th) from uranium mill tailing collected from the Uranium Mill Plant in Northern Guangdong Province, China. Distilled water (pH 6) and sulphuric acid solution (pH 4 and 3) were used as solvent for the leaching over 22 weeks. It was found that the cumulative leach fraction from the mill tailing was 0.1, 0.1 and 0.7 % for U release, and overall 0.01 % for Th release, using distilled water, sulphuric acid solution of pH 4 and pH 3 as leaching agents, respectively. The results indicate that (1) the release of U and Th in uranium mill tailing is a slow and long-term process; (2) surface dissolution is the main mechanism for the release of U and Th when sulphuric acid solution of pH 3 is employed as the leaching agent; (3) both U and Th are released by diffusion when using sulphuric acid solution of pH 4 as the leaching agent and (4) U is released by surface dissolution, while Th is released by diffusion when using distilled water as the leaching agent. The implication for radiological risk in the real environment was also discussed.


See also:

China Tries to Clean Up Toxic Legacy of Its Rare Earth Riches - The New York Times.

The most hazardous refineries are those that crack the tight chemical bonds that tie rare earths found in mineral ores to a variety of hazardous materials, notably radioactive thorium. Many tons of extremely concentrated sulfuric acid are used to break the chemical bonds.


Radioactive Thorium Among Contaminants at West Chicago Cleanup Site

The city of West Chicago is asking for public feedback on its request for a $200,000 EPA environmental cleanup project to remove hazardous waste — including "radioactive contaminants related to thorium mill tailings"

Thorium: a dirty conspiracy propaganda for a dirty solution-business

By Gordon Edwards. Thorium reactors. "Thorium cycle" is a very dirty and dangerous business.

International NEWS, FACT and CHRONICLES that "2.0 people" use to ignore, everyday.

St. Louis burning: A ticking time bomb beneath the city?
- Aljazeera

Following a largely broken or incomplete paper trail, residents and activists have found evidence that there may be soil laced with uranium, thorium and radium buried there.
Documents obtained from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and Nuclear Regulatory Commission show that the “clean fill” may have also been contaminated, and researchers have concluded that there has never been an accurate analysis of what exactly was dumped at the West Lake Landfill.

The soil came from another radioactive waste storage site in St. Louis, currently being cleaned up by the Army Corps of Engineers. A 2013 report by a researcher at the Institute for Policy Studies found that the “clean fill” dumped at West Lake was composed of 12-18 inches of topsoil scraped from this other site.

The remaining soil at that storage site — the soil left behind after the “clean fill” was removed and dumped at West Lake — was found to be highly contaminated with thorium and uranium.


The German Federal Ministry of Defence informs the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) that items supplied by the Ministry may contain substances classified as hazardous under German environmental law. The handling and disposal of such items is subject to the relevant national regulations.
What kind of Weapons? Read here:
✔ The MILAN anti-tank guided missile (MILAN ATGM) is fitted with an encapsulated IR heat radiator containing thorium (Th) with an activity of 10 Kilobecquerels (kBq). Contamination may occur through inhalation. As far as the gunner is concerned, the hazard dosage value, pursuant to German radiation protection law, is not exceeded until 100 rounds of ammunition have been fired.

Thorium Contamination: Kerr-McGee to Pay $5.15 Billion for “85 Years of Poisoning the Earth”

Kerr-McGee Corporation and certain of its affiliates, and their parent Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, will pay $5.15 billion to settle a fraudulent conveyance case in the bankruptcy of Tronox Inc. and its subsidiaries.

The bankruptcy court had previously found, in December 2013, that the historic Kerr-McGee Corporation fraudulently conveyed assets to New Kerr-McGee to evade its debts, including its liability for environmental clean-up at contaminated sites around the country.

Pursuant to the settlement agreement, the defendants agree to pay $5.15 billion to settle the case, of which approximately $4.4 billion will be paid to fund environmental clean-up and for environmental claims.

The case represents the largest environmental enforcement recovery ever by the Department of Justice.

“Kerr-McGee’s businesses all over this country left significant, lasting environmental damage in their wake,” said Deputy Attorney General James Cole. “It tried to shed its responsibility for this environmental damage and stick the United States taxpayers with the huge cleanup bill. Through a lot of hard work, we uncovered this fraud and recovered over $5 billion dollars for the American people. This settlement demonstrates the Justice Department’s firm commitment to preventing and combating all forms of fraud and to securing environmental justice.”

“For 85 years, Kerr-McGee operated numerous hazardous businesses, and those businesses caused significant damage to the environment and to communities exposed to contamination,” Cole said.
[Corporate Crime]

Malaysia’s thorium disaster – chronology

« The story of Malaysia’s thorium caused leukaemias and birth defects was quietly covered upDeep Borehole Disposal – a way to dispose of SOME radioactive wastes »

Malaysia has experienced a deadly thorium disaster before, which is still being cleaned up.

Lynas Corporation says the waste is safe, and the Malaysian Government has given approval for the plant to go ahead.

The public outcry has now prompted Malaysia to call an inquiry.

The Star has discovered that 80,000 200-litre drums containing radioactive waste are currently being kept at the dump located in the Kledang Range behind Papan town. The site is about 3km from Bukit Merah and Papan and about 15km from Ipoh. And the waste is thorium hydroxide, not amang.

Chronology of events in the Bukit Merah Asian Rare Earth development are here and here

EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency on Thorium:

Questions and answers.

How are people exposed to thorium?

Since thorium is naturally present in the environment, people are exposed to tiny amounts in air, food and water. The amounts are usually very small and pose little health hazard. Thorium is also present in many consumer products such as ceramic glazes, lantern mantles, and welding rods.

People who live near a facility that mines or mills thorium, or manufactures products with thorium, may receive higher exposures. Also, people who work with thorium in various industries may receive higher exposures.

How does thorium get into the body?

People may inhale contaminated dust, or swallow thorium with food or water. Living near a thorium contaminated site, or working in an industry where thorium is used, increases your chance of exposure to thorium.

What does thorium do once it gets into the body?

If inhaled as dust, some thorium may remain in the lungs for long periods of time, depending on the chemical form. If ingested, thorium typically leaves the body through feces and urine within several days. The small amount of thorium left in the body will enter the bloodstream and be deposited in the bones where it may remain for many years. There is some evidence that the body may absorb thorium through the skin, but that would not likely be the primary means of entry.

Health Effects of Thorium
How can thorium affect people's health?

The principal concern from low to moderate level exposure to ionizing radiation is increased risk of cancer. Studies have shown that inhaling thorium dust causes an increased risk of developing lung cancer, and cancer of the pancreas. Bone cancer risk is also increased because thorium may be stored in bone.

Is there a medical test to determine exposure to thorium?

There are special tests that measure the level of thorium in the urine, feces, and also via exhaled air that can determine if a person has been exposed to thorium. These tests are useful only if taken within a week after exposure. You need special equipment to detect thorium not available in doctors offices or most hospitals. Some federal facilities and specialized laboratories have this capability.

What is EPA doing about thorium?

EPA protects people and the environment from thorium by establishing standards for the clean-up of contaminated sites, and by setting limits on the amount of thorium (and other radionuclides) that may be released to the air from specific sources, or found in public drinking water.

