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MAP of Anti-Nuclear Web Sites, Organizations & Related Resources in the World

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List of Anti-Nuclear Web Sites & Related Resources in the World



On The Map Abalone Alliance - www.energy-net.org
The Abalone Alliance was started in May of 1977 when over 70 activists came together to setup the statewide Alliance. Within a year, the group had consensed on the wording of a Declaration of Nuclear Resistance. Its first action at Diablo Canyon took place on August 6th 1977 where 47 people were arrested at the gates. The following year, the number of those arrested jumped to 487 people. The Ablaone Alliance was disbanded in 1985. The San Francisco office of the Alliance remains open as a clearinghouse for historic and research purposes.
  Abolition 2000 - www.abolition2000.org
ABOLITION 2000 is a network of over 2000 organizations in more than 90 countries world wide working for a global treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons.
  Aktionsbündnis Energiewende Heilbronn - www.energiewendeheilbronn.de

Im Aktionsbündnis Energiewende Heilbronn engagieren sich ehrenamtlich Bürgerinnen und Bürger, Umweltverbände und atomkraftkritische Gruppen aus Politik und Kirche aus der Stadt und Region Heilbronn.
Unsere gemeinsame Vision: ist der Ausstieg aus der atomaren und fossilen Energieversorgung - und die vollständige Ausrichtung auf eine regenerative und dezentrale Energieversorgung.
Dazu wollen wir: Konkrete Projekte begleiten und gemeinsam umsetzen - Netzwerke formen und Ideen anregen - Politische Entscheidungsträger motivieren - Wissen vermitteln und Menschen begeistern - Die Umsetzung der 3 E's:
Energie sparen, Effizienz steigern und - Erneuerbare Energien fördern - Am Aktionsbündnis Energiewende Heilbronn beteiligen sich bislang
  Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) - www.ananuclear.org
We began in 1987 as an alliance of affected peoples, organizers, health workers, and scientists who wanted to take on a military complex that was poisoning communities, wasting billions of our money, and putting the world at risk. The Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) supports our over 30 member organizations and groups who are working throughout the country to empower citizens to take action and to protest an opaque and mismanaged nuclear complex. We work to find solutions that can achieve a vision of a modern society that runs off renewable energy sources, has verifiably dismantled the world's nuclear arsenal, and has responsibly disposed of our nuclear waste. We are not against nuclear science but we are against its irresponsible and dangerous use for political reasons.
  Alternative Press - A-Infos Archives - www.ainfos.ca

In the struggle for a free society, we distribute news and articles in several languages, covering a wide range of areas.
These include workplace, environmental and anti-imperialist struggles as well as the fight against racism, sexism and homophobia.
  AMAN - www.amantinuklear.org - ANAK MALAYSIA ANTI NUKLEAR (AMAN)
ANAK MALAYSIA ANTI NUKLEAR (AMAN) merupakan suatu gerakan rakyat akar umbi yang berpendapat bahawa tenaga nuklear tidak bersih, murah, selamat ataupun diperlukan bagi tujuan penjanaan kuasa elektrik di Malaysia. Dengan itu, AMAN menentang pembinaan loji tenaga nuklear di Malaysia.
ANAK MALAYSIA ANTI NUKLEAR (AMAN) is a grassroots citizen movement that is convinced that nuclear power is not cheap, clean or safe and that it is not required for the generation of electricity in Malaysia. AMAN therefore rejects the construction of any nuclear power plant (NPP) in Malaysia.
  ANAWA - www.anawa.org.au - Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia
The Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia (ANAWA) acts as an umbrella group for organisations campaigning against the nuclearisation of Australia.
Our role is mainly in research, political lobbying and publication of information that we believe the community needs in order to make informed decisions about uranium mining, nuclear power, weapons and waste. This group came into being in 1997 (then known as the Anti-Uranium Coalition, AUCWA), to act as an umbrella group for organisations campaigning against the nuclearisation of Australia.
  Antiwar - www.antiwar.com

This site is devoted to the cause of non-interventionism and is read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, "greens," and independents alike, as well as many on the Right who agree with our opposition to imperialism.
Antiwar.com is one project of our parent foundation, the Randolph Bourne Institute. It is a program that provides a sounding board of interest to all who are concerned about U.S. foreign policy and its implications.
  Antinuclear.Net - www.antinuclear.net - News, Info and Actions - nuclear-news.net

Antinuclear - Australian and world news, and some related international items. Actions, Events, Event details, Coming Events, NUCLEAR ROYAL COMMISSION, TOPICS.
For international news, go to nuclear-news: The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry.
  ATOMKRAFT ABSCHALTEN - http://www.anti-atom-umzingelung.de
Der Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie mag zwar beschlossen sein, doch gelöst sind die bestehenden Probleme noch lange nicht. Es fängt bereits damit an, dass sich viele Atomkraftwerke immer noch am Netz befinden. Ebenso stellt sich die Frage nach dem Atommüll – ihn gibt es in großen Mengen, aber wo kann er sicher aufbewahrt werden?
  Australian Conservation Foundation - www.acfonline.org.au
The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) stands for ecological sustainability. We get to the heart of environmental problems by tackling the underlying social and economic causes. We work across society to influence urgent, transformative action to deliver lasting change on the scale required to secure a sustainable environment. We bring people together to champion the true value of our environment and its critical role in sustaining all other systems and in achieving human wellbeing.



  Basic - www.basicint.org
BASIC works to address these challenges by building confidence in a shared, sustainable security agenda. We work in both nuclear weapon and non-nuclear weapon states, with a specific expert focus on the UK, US, Europe and the Middle East.
  BAY AREA ACTION (BAA) - www.baaction.org
BAA is an environmental education and action nonprofit based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our mission is to help people discover and strengthen their connection to and concern for the natural environment through education and hands-on, action-oriented activities.
  Bellona - www.bellona.org
The Bellona Foundation is an independent non-profit organization that aims to meet and fight the climate challenges, through identifying and implementing sustainable environmental solutions. We work towards reaching a greater ecological understanding, protection of nature, the environment and health. Bellona is engaged in a broad specter of current national and international environmental questions and issues around the world. The Oslo office is where the general and long-term strategy of the entire Bellona organization is developed.
  Beyond Nuclear - www.beyondnuclear.org

Beyond Nuclear aims to educate and activate the public about the connections between nuclear power and nuclear weapons and the need to abandon both to safeguard our future. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an energy future that is sustainable, benign and democratic. The Beyond Nuclear team works with diverse partners and allies to provide the public, government officials, and the media with the critical information necessary to move humanity toward a world beyond nuclear.
Beyond Nuclear is a member of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, the Apollo Alliance, the Campaign for a Nuclear-Weapons Free World and the French network, Sortir du Nucleaire. Beyond Nuclear is on the Advisory Board of the Environmental Media Association and works in coalition with hundreds of groups and thousands of individuals around the world.
  BTWC - Bradford Project on Strengthening the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention

Bradford Disarmament Research Centre, Department of Peace Studies, Unviersity of Bradford, UK. Key Points and papers by the Bradford Project on Strengthening the BTWC. School of Social and International Studies.
  Brasil Antinuclear - www.brasilantinuclear.ning.com - Em defesa do uso de energias renováveis e de um Brasil livre do nuclear!

A Articulação Antinuclear Brasileira, integrada pelas entidades, movimentos socioambientais e pesquisadores, abaixo-assinados, convoca a sociedade brasileira a apoiar esta iniciativa que pretende difundir os argumentos que abraça em defesa do uso de energias renováveis e de um Brasil livre do nuclear! Esta articulação consolidou-se num encontro de representantes da sociedade civil, de diferentes regiões do país, promovido pela Fundação Heinrich Böll, em parceria com a Rede Brasileira de Justiça Ambiental (RBJA), no Rio de Janeiro.
  Brasil Contra Usinas Nucleares - www.brasilcontrausinanuclear.com.br - Coalizão por um Brasil Livre de Usinas Nucleares

A Coalizão por um Brasil Livre de Usinas Nucleares é uma associação de pessoas que tomaram uma maior consciência dos problemas da opção nuclear com o acidente ocorrido em Fukushima, Japão, em 12 de março de 2011.
A partir dessa tomada de consciência os integrantes da Coalizão consideram que:
– o Brasil não precisa de usinas nucleares para atender às suas necessidades de energia elétrica;
– existem muitas alternativas para produzir energia elétrica sem correr o risco das usinas nucleares;
– ninguém tem o direito de impor aos brasileiros esses riscos e as consequências de acidentes;
– ninguém tem o direito de deixar para as gerações futuras o pesadelo do lixo nuclear.
A Coalizão não tem vínculos com partidos, governos ou igrejas. Os integrantes da Coalizão dela participam a titulo pessoal ou como membros de organizações que compartilham suas opiniões.
  Bread not Bombs Plowshares - Disarming for global justice
We are doing this action in solidarity with the poor and oppressed, especially in the third world. While we are spending billions after billions on weapons of mass destruction people are dying of suffering and poverty. With this action we would like to begin the dismantling of a severe hindrance for the recognition and liberation of the poor and oppressed - the militarism. On these pages you will find our common statement and personal statements, declaring our reasons for doing this action. If you want to get in contact with the group we have listed some addresses, and of course, the latest news about Bread not Bombs Plowshares.



  Helen CALDICOTT - www.helencaldicott.com - Debunking the Misinformation Peddled by the Nuclear Industry and its Supporters
The single most articulate and passionate advocate of citizen action to remedy the nuclear and environmental crises, Dr Helen Caldicott, has devoted the last forty two years to an international campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age and the necessary changes in human behavior to stop environmental destruction.

Born in Melbourne, Australia in 1938, Dr Caldicott received her medical degree from the University of Adelaide Medical School in 1961. She founded the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at the Adelaide Children's Hospital in 1975 and subsequently was an instructor in pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and on the staff of the Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Mass., until 1980 when she resigned to work full time on the prevention of nuclear war.

  CADU - www.cadu.org.uk - The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium

The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium is a campaigning organisation that is working towards a UK ban on the use of uranium in all conventional weapons and weapon systems and for monitoring, health care, compensation and environmental remediation for communities affected by their use.

Currently our focus is the Don't DU it campaign that seeks to prevent the UK government from renewing or relicencing its sole surviving and soon to expire DU round, CHARM 3. The Manchester based organisation was set up in January 1999 by passionate CND activists. Over the last 12 years we have been one of the founding members of the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW) and the UK Uranium Weapons Network(UWN).

  CANE - www.cane.org.za - Coalition Against Nuclear Energy

NATIONAL COALITION TO OPPOSE NUCLEAR EXPANSION IN SOUTH AFRICA. NGOs, CBOs and individuals throughout South Africans have formed a broadbased national coalition to oppose the expansion of the nuclear industry and to demand a commitment to public participation in energy planning. CANE has been formed as an umbrella group comprising community organisations, residents’ associations, NGOs, academics, professionals, unionists, environmentalists and ordinary citizens now grappling with the spectre of nuclear developments in their back yards.
They represent a groundswell of ordinary people who want government to act democratically in seeking alternative energy crisis and climate change solutions.
  Chernobyl Day ORG - www.chernobyl-day.org - Official site for Chernobyl Day in the world

  CND - www.cnduk.org - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
CND opposes all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction: their development, manufacture, testing, deployment and use or threatened use by any country. Stimulate wide public debate on the need for alternatives both to the nuclear cycle and to military attempts to resolve conflict.
Empower people to engage actively in the political process and to work for a nuclear-free and peaceful future.
Co-operate with other groups in the UK and internationally to ensure the development of greater mutual security.
  CCNR - www.ccnr.org - Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility
CCNR is a not-for-profit organization, federally incorporated in 1978. It is dedicated to education and research on all issues related to nuclear energy, whether civilian or military -- including non-nuclear alternatives -- especially those pertaining to Canada. President Dr. Gordon Edwards.
Resources on Nuclear Accidents, Troubles With Tritium and The Hazards of Uranium.
  CNIC - www.cnic.jp - Citizen's Nuclear Information Center - Tokyo
Based in Tokyo, we are the Citizen`s Nuclear Information Center (CNIC). With a network of scientists, activists, and common citizens, we work to create a nuclear free world.
Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center is an anti-nuclear public interest organization dedicated to securing a safe, nuclear-free world. The Center was formed to provide reliable information and public education on all aspects of nuclear power to ultimately realize this goal.Data gathered, compiled, and analyzed by the Center is condensed into forms useful to the media, citizens’ groups, policy makers, and the general public. The Center is independent from government and industry and is supported by membership fees, donations, and sales of publications.
  CRND - www.crnd.org - Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers
Proponents of nuclear power are quick to argue that nuclear energy is a safe and sustainable energy source. The claim is that it reduces carbon emissions and can enhance national security by reducing our dependency on foreign oil. Opponents say that nuclear power poses numerous threats including health risks including cancer and birth defects as well as serious environmental damage caused by mining uranium, processing and transport it. Additionally, when nuclear power technologies exist, there is a risk of more nuclear weapons being built using nuclear waste that has not been secured properly.
  Temelín.CZ - www.temelin.cz - Czech Republic against Temelin
Atomová energetika v reálném světle.
Posláním Cally je nabízet pomocnou ruku lidem k ochraně prostředí pro život, přispívat k zachování cenných ekosystémů v jižních Čechách a podporovat žádoucí proměnu české energetiky na čistou, bezpečnou a obnovitelnou. Prosazuje trvale udržitelnou energetiku na bázi obnovitelných zdrojů v zákonech, koncepcích i osvětovými aktivitami. Zajišťuje ekologické poradenství, environmentální vzdělávání a osvětu. Vydává informační materiály a zpravodaj Ďáblík. Podporuje veřejnou debatu o problematických projektech s velkým dopadem na životní prostředí.


  DiaNuke.org - www.dianuke.org - DIALOGUES and RESOURCES on Nuclear, Nature and Society

A one-stop resource page on nuclear issues, with special focus on India's nuclear expansion and its growing resistance. An attempt to facilitate informed debate and to put the nuclear issues into perspective: discussions on nuclear energy/weapons would remain illusive as long as the prevailing notions of national security, energy security, progress and happiness continue to be as myopic and self-deceptive.
  MA Downwinders - www.madownwinders.org - Massachusetts Downwinders
MA Downwinders is a collaborative of individuals and groups across New England and beyond, sharing ideas, actions and support for the closing of Entergy’s Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, Massachusetts.Our mission is to join communities across Massachusetts and New England to investigate, educate, and agitate until Pilgrim is shut down for good. Join us!.
  Temelín.CZ - www.temelin.cz - Czech Republic against Temelin
Peace is to The Peacemovement of Esbjerg more than just the absence of war. To achieve peace, we must be engaged in: economical equality, political freedom, social justice and a bearing development. The Peacemovement of Esbjerg was founded on March 3rd 1980 by the name: The Peace Committee of Esbjerg. During the cold war we were a rather big organization counting more than 300 members. Now we are less than 30 - but still active.
  Temelín.CZ - www.temelin.cz - Czech Republic against Temelin
Peace is to The Peacemovement of Esbjerg more than just the absence of war. To achieve peace, we must be engaged in: economical equality, political freedom, social justice and a bearing development. The Peacemovement of Esbjerg was founded on March 3rd 1980 by the name: The Peace Committee of Esbjerg. During the cold war we were a rather big organization counting more than 300 members. Now we are less than 30 - but still active.
  Temelín.CZ - www.temelin.cz - Czech Republic against Temelin
Peace is to The Peacemovement of Esbjerg more than just the absence of war. To achieve peace, we must be engaged in: economical equality, political freedom, social justice and a bearing development. The Peacemovement of Esbjerg was founded on March 3rd 1980 by the name: The Peace Committee of Esbjerg. During the cold war we were a rather big organization counting more than 300 members. Now we are less than 30 - but still active.
  Earthlife Africa - http://www.earthlife.org.za

Earthlife Africa’s Johannesburg branch was founded in 1988 to mobilise civil society around environmental issues in relation to people. The organisation has since grown to include branches in Cape Town, eThekwini (formerly Durban) and Tshwane (formerly Pretoria), as well as in Windhoek, Namibia. Branches are autonomous, but linked through the ELA Statement of Belief and common campaign activities. ELA Jhb is a largely volunteer-driven organisation, however, in recent years, funding has been acquired by some branches to staff and facilitate specific campaigns.Earthlife Africa Jhb’s largest campaign is the Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Project.
  Ecologistas En Acción - www.ecologistasenaccion.org

Ecologistas en Acción es una confederación de más de 300 grupos ecologistas distribuidos por pueblos y ciudades. Forma parte del llamado ecologismo social, que entiende que los problemas medioambientales tienen su origen en un modelo de producción y consumo cada vez más globalizado, del que derivan también otros problemas sociales, y que hay que transformar si se quiere evitar la crisis ecológica.

Para ello realiza campañas de sensibilización, denuncias públicas o legales contra aquellas actuaciones que dañan el medio ambiente, a la vez que elabora alternativas concretas y viables en cada uno de los ámbitos en los que desarrolla su actividad.
  Enfants-Tchernobyl - Belarus- www.enfants-tchernobyl-belarus.org
  Association Soigner les Enfants de Tchernobyl.
  ENENews - www.enenews.com - Energy News

ENENews is an online service dedicated to covering the latest energy-related developments. Established shortly after the Fukushima Daiichi disaster in March 2011, ENENews has grown rapidly to serve approximately 2,000,000 pageviews per month — and with over 200,000 comments and counting, our active community of registered users is one of the most engaged on the internet. These figures represent a vast audience that includes not only nuclear industry professionals, but also scientists, researchers, journalists, opinion and policy-makers, as well as the general public..



  FoE - Australia - www.foe.org.au - Friends of the Earth Australia
Friends of the Earth (FoE) is a federation of autonomous local groups who are working towards an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable future. FoE Australia functions both through the activities of its local groups, and on the national level through appointed spokespeople, campaigns and projects, the national magazine - Chain Reaction, and the work of the national liaison officers.
  FoE - Adelaide - www.adelaide.foe.org.au - Friends of the Earth Adelaide
As one of South Australia’s foremost community campaign organisations, Friends of the Earth Adelaide works to address social and environmental justice issues through community action. In addition to campaigners working with on earth jurisprudence, climate justice and urban issues, Friends of the Earth Adelaide has two primary campaign collectives that welcome your involvement!
  FoE - Japan - www.foe.org - Friends of the Earth Japan
Friends of the Earth (FoE) is a federation of autonomous local groups who are working towards an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable future.
  FoE - ENGLAND - www.foe.org - Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth (FoE) is a federation of autonomous local groups who are working towards an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable future.
  Formosa NO nuclear - formosanonuclear.blogspot.com.ar

FORMOSA NO NUCLEAR, espacio creado para poder comentar, informarnos, opinar, y accionar contra el PROYECTO NUCLEAR QUE INTENTA INSTALAR EL GOBIERNO, en nuestra querida Provincia. Solicitamos respeto, ideas que aporten a una salida grupal de la cuestion. Evitar conflictos, y generar un espacio de reflexión y acción!!!
https://www.facebook.com/formosanonuclear .
  Fukushima Diary - www.fukushima-diary.com
Fukushima Diary is the news site of a corporation Fukushima Diary SRL and all the articles are written by Iori Mochizuki.
He was in Yokohama, where is about 300km from Fukushima nuclear plant when 311 took place.
This site started when he was forced to collect information to decide to go or not to go.
At this moment, this is the only news site in the world on Fukushima issue written in English, by a Japanese citizen who was there on 3/11/2011. Several articles are published daily and all the posts are about the current Fukushima plant situation, on-going health problems among Japanese people, media blackout situation and global effect etc.. Most of them are not covered by mass media all around the world.



Grohnde-Kampagne - www.grohnde-kampagne.de - Regionalkonferenz AKW-Grohnde abschalten

Zur Regionalkonferenz „AKW Grohnde abschalten“ kommen seit Anfang 2011 Initiativen, Organi­sationen und Einzelpersonen aus einem Umkreis von ca. 80 km um den Reaktor zusammen, um die alsbaldige Stilllegung des Atomkraftwerkes in Grohnde durchzusetzen. Die Regionalkonferenzen werden über den Newsletter angekündigt, sind öffentlich und jede/r kann kommen, mitreden und mitmachen.


  The Helen Caldicott Foundation - www.helencaldicottfoundation.org

We must be vigilant, efficient, and outspoken. If the world is going to change, we need to change with it. If we want peace, we need to speak out against war and unforgivable weapons.

Our reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear energy is destroying the earth that we live on. It threatens not only our future, but the future of life as we know it. We must stand behind, and shore up the regulations we have to prevent this; demand without compromise that new, better, regulations be enacted; and insist that the use of these energy sources be stopped. If we allow partisan causes to divide us we will fail. If we let generational differences divide us we will fail. The future belongs to all of us. Call to Action.


HRW - www.hrw.org . HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH

Authorities in India should stop using sedition and other laws against activists and protesters who have peacefully opposed a nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu state, Human Rights Watch said today. In the latest incident, immigration officials on September 16, 2014, prevented the environmental activist S.P. Udayakumar from traveling out of the country because of various cases filed against him for leading protests at the Kudankulam nuclear power plant.
The Indian parliament should repeal the colonial-era sedition law, which has been repeatedly misused to harass activists and peaceful protesters..

  Progetto Humus - www.progettohumus.it - HUMUS Project - CHERNOBYL & NUCLEAR PORTAL
The liberation of the nuclear energy has changed everything at the point that our natural way of thinking has become obsolete. We have to face the risk of a tremendous catastrophe. Humanity will have to adapt a new way of thinking in order to survive”. - Albert Einstein
Every association, group working in the welcome field or in twin and local co-operation projects with the countries affected by the nuclear disaster has developed a series of exciting initiatives.
All the projects try to intervene on the variety of aspects of the people who live in the contaminated territories: humanitarian helps (food, medicines, sanitary apparatus, clothes, stationery, toys, computer instruments,..) distance adoptions, Kolchoz economy development,…
  IPSEC - closeindianpoint.wordpress.com . The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC) is a coalition of environmental, health and public policy organizations, founded in 2001 to address the vulnerability of the nuclear reactors at Indian Point. Over 20 million people live within 50 miles of the plant. Our concerns include both existing radiation releases and potential additional releases from either human error, aging infrastructure or terrorism, and the flawed, unfixable evacuation plan. Our grassroots efforts have enlisted the support of hundreds of local, state and federal officials.
IPSEC members are currently fighting the proposed 20-year relicensing of the aging, leaking reactors. Read more about the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition. CONTACT US.


  KFEM - www.kfem.or.kr . Korean Federation for Environmental Movement
The Korea Federation for Environmental Movements (KFEM) is a non-profit organization in South Korea that focuses on environmentalism. The group was founded in April 1993 as a federation of eight environmental groups, the largest being the Korean Anti-Pollution Movement Association. With approximately 80.000 individual members and around 50 local offices nationwide, KFEM is the largest environmental NGO in South Korea. Having roots in the Korean struggle for democracy, KFEM acts as a leader for the civil society. It is also the South Korean member of Friends of the Earth International.


  MONDO IN CAMMINO (MIC) - www.mondoincammino.org . HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH
L’Organizzazione di Volontariato per la Solidarietà MONDO IN CAMMINO (MIC) nasce a Vercelli il 17 settembre 2005 con l’intento di unire in azioni comuni l’esperienza di molti volontari che da diversi anni si occupavano di interventi di cooperazione internazionale e di solidarietà nell’Europa Centro Orientale e nello Spazio Post Sovietico.


  Nuclear Hotseat - www.nuclearhotseat.com - Anti-Nuclear News
The Activist Voice of the Anti-Nuclear Movement. Produced and Hosted by Libbe HaLevy. 
Nuclear Hotseat is the weekly international news magazine keeping you up to date on all things anti-nuclear. Produced and Hosted by Three Mile Island survivor Libbe HaLevy, each podcast contains the week’s international nuclear news, at least one expert interview, ways to protect physical health of yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of radiation exposure, and activist opportunities.
  No Thorium - http://nonukes.it/rna/nothorium - Thorium is NOT "Green", NOT "peaceful", NOT "viable"

☢ There is NOT "new clean energy" or "new age" of nuclear based on the "pacific" Thorium. Contrary to the contention of NAZI web sites called "no-nwo", thorium is NOT an alternative source in confront of uranium but it is 100% associable with military use like uranium or depleted uranium. Same Business, same crime. Is time to stop nuclear propaganda. It's time to stop thorium propaganda. The call of RNA is to start a new important step against nuclear: the struggle against thorium propaganda and against "pro thorium" mystifications. For a long time antinuclear people and ALL the environmental organizations guiltily left an empty space, underestimating the work of mystification of multinationals and exploiters. Now it is time to multiply antinuclear initiatives in a more complete way and to support those who expose themselves against one of the most powerful mining lobby of Rare Earth.
  410nonuke - www.410nonuke.tumblr.com -

NAZEN - wwww.nazen.info - Nonukes Zrnkoku Network

  NO NUKES ACTIONS NYC - 311newyork.wordpress.com - Anti-Nuclear Coalitions

We are a group of organizations and individuals planning actions in New York City on March 11th and 15th, 2014, the third anniversary of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster.We work in solidarity with people in Japan and elsewhere who are struggling the consequences of nuclear production.

Follow us on Twitter: @TwitNoNukesNYCLike us on Facebook: 3.11 Action:
Organized & Endorsed by: Brooklyn For Peace, Eco-Logic (WBAI-FM), Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, The Manhattan Project, Shut Down Indian Point Now!, Todos Somos Japon. 
  Nuclear Watch South - www.nonukesyall.org - "NO NUKES Y'ALL!" shout heard ’round the world
Nuclear Watch South was started as Georgians Against Nuclear Energy (GANE) in 1977 in opposition to Georgia Power plans to build nuclear reactors Vogtle and Hatch. In 2006, the name was changed to Nuclear Watch South to better reflect direct action campaigns on broader issues such as the Savannah River Site nuclear weapons complex on Georgia's border in South Carolina. Today, the mostly volunteer, grassroots environmental group is still on the job working to shape nuclear policies and raise public awareness of nuclear weapons, nuclear reactors, and nuclear waste.Nuclear Watch South is engaged in many significant campaigns, including the Stop CWIP (Construction Work in Progress) Tax campaign, stopping MOX plutonium reactor fuel and opposing new nuclear reactors at Southern Company's Vogtle site. Many tangible victories have been attained through the years resulting from the tough, savvy brand of direct action which is the Nuclear Watch South hallmark. Through public education, public testimony, citizen lobbying, legal intervention, street protest and civil disobedience Nuclear Watch South continues to spread the life-affirming message "NO NUKES Y'ALL!.



  Ploughshares Fund - www.ploughshares.org - Canadian Global Security Foundation
Nuclear weapons are still a real threat. It doesn’t have to be that way. We know a safer, more secure world is possible.
"Ploughshares Fund helps make the world more safe and secure.”It's a simple sentence, but it's supported by complex work.
How do we do it? By funding organizations and people who promote the elimination of nuclear weapons, prevent the emergence of new nuclear states, and build regional peace.
  Peaceweb Esbjerg - www.peaceweb.dk - Peace-movement of Esbjerg
Peace is to The Peacemovement of Esbjerg more than just the absence of war. To achieve peace, we must be engaged in: economical equality, political freedom, social justice and a bearing development. The Peacemovement of Esbjerg was founded on March 3rd 1980 by the name: The Peace Committee of Esbjerg. During the cold war we were a rather big organization counting more than 300 members. Now we are less than 30 - but still active.
  Ploughshares Fund - www.ploughshares.org - Canadian Global Security Foundation
Nuclear weapons are still a real threat. It doesn’t have to be that way. We know a safer, more secure world is possible.
"Ploughshares Fund helps make the world more safe and secure.”It's a simple sentence, but it's supported by complex work.
How do we do it? By funding organizations and people who promote the elimination of nuclear weapons, prevent the emergence of new nuclear states, and build regional peace.
  Ploughshares Fund - www.ploughshares.org - Canadian Global Security Foundation
Nuclear weapons are still a real threat. It doesn’t have to be that way. We know a safer, more secure world is possible.
"Ploughshares Fund helps make the world more safe and secure.”It's a simple sentence, but it's supported by complex work.
How do we do it? By funding organizations and people who promote the elimination of nuclear weapons, prevent the emergence of new nuclear states, and build regional peace.



  RNA - www.nonukes.it - Rete Nazionale Antinucleare - Italy
RNA È l'UNICA realtà che coniuga resistenza ambientalista contro le produttività NOCIVE con la messa in discussione del modello di produzione borghese e dei rapporti di forza Capitale-Salario.
La RETE NAZIONALE ANTINUCLEARE (RNA) Organicamente l'RNA nasce come aliena alle forze già esistenti, aventi scopi elettorali e, a tutt’oggi, con ben altre priorità.
  RNA International - www.nonukes.eu - RNA International
“A Nuclear Accident Anywhere Is A Nuclear Accident Everywhere”.
  RNA Abruzzo - www.facebook.com/rna.abruzzo - RNA Abruzzo - Italy

Nuclear weapons are still a real threat. It doesn’t have to be that way. We know a safer, more secure world is possible.
"Ploughshares Fund helps make the world more safe and secure.”It's a simple sentence, but it's supported by complex work.




  Shut Down Indian Point Now - shutdownindianpointnow.org - The Voice of NYC
Indian Point Most Dangerous Nuclear Plant in the U.S. just 25 miles from NYC. Learn at shutdownindianpointnow.org
  Sortir Du Nucléaire - www.sortirdunucleaire.org - French federation of 800 anti-nuclear groups
Le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" est une association loi 1901 à but non lucratif. Elle fédère les individus, groupes, collectifs et associations autour d’une ambition commune de sortie du nucléaire.
Notre rôle : Réunir toutes les personnes qui souhaitent exprimer leur volonté d’une sortie du nucléaire. En nous rassemblant autour d’une Charte, nous mettons en place un rapport de force pour obtenir des résultats concrets.
Notre objectif : Obtenir l’abandon du nucléaire en France grâce à une autre politique énergétique, en favorisant notamment la maîtrise de l’énergie, et le développement d’autres moyens de production électrique.
  South Asians Against Nukes - www.s-asians-against-nukes.org
An independent platform to raise awareness against the menace of military and civil nuclearisation in India and Pakistan.
As Pakistani and Indian Citizens we hold our hands of friendship across borders to challenge the nuclear jingoism and war hysteria constantly launched by both our governments.




  The Helen Caldicott Foundation - www.helencaldicottfoundation.org





  WANFA - Western Australia Nuclear Free Alliance

NWANFA was formed out of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) meeting in September 2009 on Nukunu country, Quorn, South Australia. Formed in 1997, ANFA (formerly the Alliance Against Uranium) has been bringing together Aboriginal people, relevant NGO’s and health professionals concerned about existing or proposed nuclear developments in Australia, particularly on Aboriginal homelands. The Alliance played an important role in initiating and building the successful campaigns to stop the Jabiluka uranium mine and a national nuclear dump proposed for South Australia.
  WWF MALAYSIA - www.wwf.org.my

Malaysian organisation affiliated with WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), the international conservation organisation. Established as a national conservation trust on 13 January 1972, WWF-Malaysia began as a humble two person-organisation. Today, we have close to 200 people working for us – from Kedah to Sabah. Also known as Tabung Alam Malaysia, we are governed by a Board of Trustees. Nuclear Energy is NOT an Option. Nuclear power is inherently dangerous and not environmentally-friendly. The process of the nuclear fuel cycle itself – from uranium mining and extraction, fuelling uranium enrichment, nuclear power plant construction, maintenance and monitoring of the processing and storing of radioactive waste, decommissioning and cleaning up radioactive contamination – require an enormous supply of energy, much more than other energy sources.
  WWF ITALIA - www.wwf.it

La Missione del WWF Internazionale è costruire un futuro in cui l'umanità possa vivere in armonia con la natura.
Il WWF ITALIA è un'organizzazione che, con l'aiuto dei cittadini e il coinvolgimento delle imprese e delle istituzioni, contribuisce incisivamente a conservare i sistemi naturali in Italia e nel mondo.

Opera per avviare processi di cambiamento che conducano a un vivere sostenibile.
Agisce con metodi innovativi capaci di aggregare le migliori risorse culturali, sociali, economiche.

My Great Web page

NO OIL - Regional Demo on the italian east coast - Almost 50.000 people said "NO OIL" - Manifestazione No Ombrina contro tutte le trivellazioni – Lanciano


Other related news and sources:


Information on hazardous substances possibly contained in items supplied by the Bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces)
The German Federal Ministry of Defence informs the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) thatitems supplied by the Ministry may contain substances classified as hazardous under German environmental law. The handling and disposal of such items is subject to the relevant national regulations:

The MILAN anti-tank guided missile (MILAN ATGM) is fitted with an encapsulated IR heat radiator containing thorium (Th) with an activity of 10 Kilobecquerels (kBq). Contamination may occur through inhalation. As far as the gunner is concerned, the hazard dosage value, pursuant to German radiation protection law, is not exceeded until 100 rounds of ammunition have been fired.

Source: Bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces) - PDF HERE



On 13 November 2002, damaged nuclear submarine Oklahoma City was taken to La Maddalena; on 25 October 2003 submarine Hartford ran aground. A trivial accident, in the words of Rear Admiral Stanley. However, he removed the base top officials, which was a very strange act for something so unimportant.

Independent researchers who have analyzed the water near the U.S. base have found consistent amounts of radioactive thorium 234, cobalt and plutonium. An analysis carried out by consortium Epidemiologia Impresa Sviluppo on behalf of the Sardinia government has found that in La Maddalena area the rate of deadly diseases is far higher than in the rest of the country. For example, Non-Hodgin lymphoma is 177.8% higher for men; 335% more people have been hospitalized for melanomas; lung cancer is 43.6% higher. Just a coincidence?

Sources: How Italy Became a Launching Pad for the US Military

European Parliament - Parliamentary questions.
Subject: Radioactive pollution at La Maddalena.
WRITTEN QUESTION by Jean-Luc Bennahmias (Verts/ALE) to the Commission.


La CRIIRAD découvre un excès de thorium 234 - • L’hypothèse de l’uranium est écartée.
La base militaire américaine de San Stefano, située entre la Corse et la Sardaigne, dans l’archipel de La Maddalena.
CRIIRAD - Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur la Radioactivité

Senat - Site du Sénat française. Concentration de thorium 234 dans des algues prélevées dans les bouches de Bonifacio.
Question écrite n° 11981 de Mme Marie-Claude Beaudeau (Val-d'Oise - CRC).
Réponse du Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable.



Photo Source - La Nuova Sardegna (newspaper):
"Una foto storica: tre sommergibili Usa nella base di Santo Stefano"

"L'isola cuore segreto delle strategie Nato"






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about RNA:


★ RNA È l'UNICA realtà che coniuga resistenza ambientalista Contro le produttività NOCIVE con la messa in discussione del modello di produzione borghese e dei rapporti di forza Capitale-Salario. ★ Dal 24 Settembre 2009: Questo è il taglio e la motivazione RIGIDA e COERENTE che DETERMINA ogni nostra "AZIONE", scelta di Priorità, pubblicazione, "condivisione" o presa di posizione.  





Thorium Military Proliferation in Italy - The Map. (english)

News from the world Daily Upgrade:


Malaysia’s thorium disaster – chronology

« The story of Malaysia’s thorium caused leukaemias and birth defects was quietly covered upDeep Borehole Disposal – a way to dispose of SOME radioactive wastes »

Malaysia has experienced a deadly thorium disaster before, which is still being cleaned up.

Lynas Corporation says the waste is safe, and the Malaysian Government has given approval for the plant to go ahead.

The public outcry has now prompted Malaysia to call an inquiry.

The Star has discovered that 80,000 200-litre drums containing radioactive waste are currently being kept at the dump located in the Kledang Range behind Papan town. The site is about 3km from Bukit Merah and Papan and about 15km from Ipoh. And the waste is thorium hydroxide, not amang.

Chronology of events in the Bukit Merah Asian Rare Earth development are here and here



France: Autorité de sûreté nucléaire: